
Every child in this home is recognised with their unique gifts and talent. We help children by providing better education, supply educational aid and other welfare services to these children in the urban slums of Chennai and children from branches of the Working Women's Forum (India) (WWF-I) and Indian Co-operative Network for Women Ltd(ICNW) (the acclaimed women’s mass organization of poor women workers) of poor parents.

WWF provides them quantifiable assistance nutritious food, shelter, medical aid, clothing, vocational training (Yoga, Music, Dance, Computer training to improve their knowledge in all aspects) and recreation. Besides all this Working Women's Forum (India) (WWF-I)and ICNW provides several support services to this Home by way of special fees, books, notebooks and uniforms, gifts and dresses for festivals as well as administration.

Children are provided with counselling on a weekly basis based on their problems faced in their life and motivate them. Children mainly girls who once stayed here without hope, sadness, fear of facing the society are now recovered from their past and following their passion.